ASK-HBS – Tele With Rail Humbucker Wiring Options

ASK-HBS - Tele With Rail Humbucker Wiring Options


Hi Humbucker Soup,

I have a Tele with a standard single-coil in the neck and a twin rail humbucker in the bridge (4 wire) with a 3-way standard switch, 1 volume knob, 1 tone knob, and a DPDT On = On = On. The intention was to have the DPDT give 3 options for the HB – split to single/series/parallel when the 3-way switch is in mid or bridge position. Unfortunately, it was not wired correctly. I would send photos but don’t see an option for uploading. I have looked for a wiring diagram for this combination but cannot find it. Could you perhaps help? Also, in your valued opinion, is there perhaps a better way to wire up the above to give better tonal options?

Thank you. Best wishes for a better and safe year ahead!



Hello Joe, and thanks for the great question! Adding a DPDT switch is a great idea and helps you get the most out of your twin rail humbucker. I can’t think of a better option that gives you more versatility. You didn’t mention what company makes the twin rail, so can I assume it’s a Fender option? If it’s not, the first thing you need to figure out is the pickup’s wiring code. Fender uses this code for most of their humbuckers (but I could be wrong without knowing the exact model).

Fender Wiring Code

  • Green = HOT
  • White + black = usually soldered together and taped off
  • Red + bare = GROUND, usually soldered together

With the wiring code above, your Tele wiring should look similar to the following diagram and result in a series, split, and parallel configuration when using the bridge pickup.

Hopefully, this illustration solves your problem. Let us know how it turns out.



Ed MalakerOur resident electronics wizard came by his skills honestly — first as an apprentice in his father’s repair shop, later as a working musician and (most recently) as a sound designer for film. His passion for guitar led him to Humbucker Soup, where he continues to decode the wonders of wiring and the vicissitudes of voltage. Ed has never taken his guitar to a shop — he already knows how to fix it.